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#1 in smart home security

ADT is the #1 smart home security provider1 in the U.S. six years in a row.

1Source: Strategy Analytics, 2023

6 Month Guarantee

If ADT cannot resolve a system related issues in the first six months of contract, we'll refund your installation and monitoring fees.**

**Applies after ADT has made attempts to resolve a system-related issue. See below for full terms.

24/7 professional monitoring

Rest easy knowing that thousands of ADT employees are always ready to help in an emergency

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or call 1-844-662-7239

Safety you can count on. Reliability you need.

You handle life, we'll
handle the security.

You handle life, we'll handle the security.

From video surveillance to home automation, door sensors to carbon monoxide detectors… you´ll be safe with an ADT home security system.

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Quality you can count on, home security you can trust.

ADT home security systems are backed by more than 146 years of experience. As the leader in home security, ADT can help you customize a home security system to meet your safety needs.

Protection you can trust from the leader in smart home security.

America’s Best Customer Service 2020

"It's the most complete, full-featured home security system we've tested, and doubles as an automation platform for your other smart home devices."

Home Security Product of the Year
(Command and Control)

Strategy Analytics

ADT is the #1 smart home security provider1 in the U.S. five years in a row.

Source: Strategy Analytics, 2022

US News

Named a “Best Home Security System of 2020”

The Wall Street Journal

“Home security giant ADT has made a strategic expansion beyond alarm systems and into the realm of the Internet of Things.”

Business Insider

“ADT is a long-time player in the home security game. If you're looking for high-end security with professional monitoring, ADT Command offers everything you might need.”